Being a girl Theatre TV

The Original Team Jacob

KQED was showing a concert version of The Phantom of the Opera recently. Phantom was my first big musical, and consequently, I have a total soft spot for it. I’ve seen it four times, although we didn’t see it while we lived in New York. I think it’s the best show to start kids off on theatre – there’s so much spectacle, and so many stage tricks, and there’s something for everyone.

I wanted to check out the KQED concert, but I didn’t expect to be so totally sucked in. Despite it being a concert version (which means some things, like the chandelier, aren’t staged), they really got most of the show across, with the use of a giant screen that they could sort of use to cheat things.

We left in the middle of the show to go get dinner, but luckily when we came back it was still on, so I got to see the end. At some point it occurred to me that the Phantom, Christine, and Raoul are like a way better-written and more-likeable Twilight love triangle.

Think about it. The monster in love with the beautiful brunette for reasons no one really understands. The main female, torn between the monster she also has feelings for, and the childhood friend who is actually good for her. Meanwhile, she doesn’t really have a huge personality, or drive the story at all. The only difference is that in this case, Christine Daae is actually kind of smart, and manages to save Raoul while also choosing him.

I won’t dwell on this. It was just something I found amusing. I know you’re probably over the Twilight posts, anyway. =)


In the meantime, I’m in Seattle for a work conference this weekend. I turned on the TV, and guess what’s on? The first Twilight movie! Yay…?

2 replies on “The Original Team Jacob”

Was this the 25th Anniversary show where 5 of the tenors come out at the end and sing Music of the Night? Jeanette and I stumbled on that and that Phantom is AMAZING! I envy his talent….

It was the 25th anniversary. The Phantom was great, but all that tribute stuff at the end was too much for me. Particularly Sarah Brightman. She’s too old, and too weird! Lol

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