Being a girl Work

My damsel-in-distress moment

I was in the restroom at work today when suddenly everything was plunged into pitch black. I wonder what it says about me that my first thought wasn’t “Earthquake!” or “End of the world!” It was just, “Aw jeez, I forgot to check the timer on the light.”

You know when you hear those stories about the person who goes into the bathroom and turns on the light, and hears the voice from the stall say, “Thank you!” because they’ve been sitting in there in the dark?

I’m not that helpless. Luckily I’m pretty familiar with the layout of the restroom, so I managed to find my way to the light switch pretty easily. I am glad no one walked in while I was feeling my way toward the door.

Anyway. That is pretty much the most exciting thing that’s happened all day. Other than that I’ve just been being productive at work, but that’s not particularly exciting. I think this afternoon I might get some new jeans.